Sequoia Audubon Society

Meeting Programs

NOTE: There may be last minute changes beyond our control. Thanks for understanding.


February 13, 2025 Zoom Meeting

Bay Area Wildlife
Jeff Miller

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Bay Area Wildlife
Jeff Miller

Bay Area Wildlife: An Irreverent Guide This quirky and entertaining wildlife guide to the greater San Francisco Bay Area invites readers to connect with and conserve local species. Featuring over 100 native creatures, from mammals to invertebrates, this informative primer is a treasure map for regional wildlife. Learn about the Bay Area's furred, feathered, and fork-tongued neighbors—from "screaming death parrots"(aka Peregrine falcons) to "bad-ass Looney Tunes velociraptors" (roadrunners). The book's colorful descriptions cover each species' natural history and fun facts, tips on when and where to find watchable wildlife, and notes on each animal's conservation status.

Jeff Miller - Bay Area Wildlife book cover

Jeff Miller has dedicated several decades to championing the protection of endangered species and native wildlife habitats in the Bay Area. He's the founder of the nonprofit Alameda Creek Alliance and has served as its executive director since 1997. He's a senior conservation advocate with the Center for Biological Diversity, spearheading biodiversity protection campaigns throughout the Bay Area and California, preparing endangered species listing petitions, writing press releases, and organizing around wildlife protection issues. Over the last quarter century, he has been involved in conservation efforts for dozens of the most iconic imperiled wildlife species in the Bay Area, from tule elk to steelhead trout to burrowing owls.

March 13, 2025 Zoom Meeting

Owlet Nightjars and Hoatzins - a taxonomical endgame
Robert Siegel, M.D., PhD

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Owlet Nightjars and Hoatzins - a taxonomical endgame
Robert Siegel, M.D., PhD

This talk will focus on two fairly obscure but fascinating orders of birds: the Aegotheliformes and the Opisthocomiformes. After recent journeys to Northern Australia and the Ecuadorian rainforest, Dr. Siegel completed (the first draft of) his project to photograph every order of birds. Once again, this effort required fortuitous encounters with remarkable individuals and a whole lot of luck. I will also discuss the first iteration of my undergraduate class, 46 Orders of Birds. Key themes of the course include discussions of why and how we classify, taxonomic and nomenclatural challenges of bird classification, and how these themes can be generalized in myriad ways.

Barbara Dye surveying wildflowers on CLT property
Robert Siegel

Robert Siegel, MD PhD, is a professor at Stanford University in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology with joint appointments in the Woods Institute for the Environment, the Center for African Studies, the Master of Liberal Arts Program, and the Program in Human Biology. He teaches courses on human viral infections, nature photography, and biogeography and has led field seminars worldwide. He has received multiple teaching awards, had much photography published, and his photo essays have appeared in Punch magazine.

Session Recordings:

San Mateo Bird AllianceMonthly Meeting January 9, 2025
The Secret Perfume of Birds
Danielle J. Whittaker, PhD
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: hO2&jhci


Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting December 12, 2024
Caring For the Land
Barbara Dye, Coastside Land Trust
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: 6sCa2Zn^

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting November 14, 2024
Urban Exploits from an Animal Control Officer
Michael Barnett
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: A?0zIfj7

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting August 8, 2024
Bay Area Puma Project
Alys Granados, the Felidae Conservation Fund
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: N2EF+fb#

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting June 13, 2024
Patch Birding
Kimberlie Moutoux
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: N2EF+fb#

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting May 9, 2024
Tony Iwane
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: 2!=QQkB!

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting April 11, 2024
Japan's Iconic Species
Donna Pomeroy
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: *2f?6A0Y

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting March 14, 2024
Birds and Climate Change
Frank Niccoli
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: n83MMy&D

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting February 8, 2024
Biking for Birds
Dorian Anderson
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: !iz.9F%j

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting January 11, 2024
Raptors Are the Solution
Vishal Subramnyn
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: Ph.bU3j8


Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting December 14, 2023
From Mono Lake to Mar Chiquita: A future for phalaropes and saline lakes
Ryan Carle, Oikonos Ecosystem Knowledge
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: v7v@m7#s

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting November 9, 2023
Purple Martins
Midpeninsula Regional Open Space, Karine Tokatlian
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: h9#npUG@

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting October 12, 2023
San Bruno Mountain: a Guide to the Flora and Fauna
Doug Allshouse and David L Nelson
Meeting Recording (begin at ~49 minutes) Access Passcode: +J%&%3nW

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting May 11, 2023
The Chinstrap Penguins of Elephant Island
Noah Strycker
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: V!+*=7P1

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting April 13, 2023
New Zealand and New Caledonia
Robert Siegel, MD PhD
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: @1nb9#=B

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting March 9, 2023
Creating fire resiliency while supporting biodiversity
Cat Chang and Maru Echeverria
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: 7BPnB60+

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting February 9, 2023
Scoping Out Tomorrow: A vision for helping young people make birds a permanent part of their lives
Jennie Duberstein
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: PD&%7P.X

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting January 12, 2023
Kinship: Seabirds and the Human Connection to the Ocean
Sea McKeon
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: A5?F**SG


Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting November 10, 2022
Longitudinally Yours – A Decade of Grassroots BioBlitzes in the Bay Area
Jennifer Rycenga, Sequoia Audubon President and Merav Vonshak, BioBlitz Club President
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: tSQ9ke^$

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting October 13, 2022
California Central Coast Joint Venture
Connor Jandreau, Conservation Coordinator
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: @w2MPNVv

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting September 8, 2022
San Mateo County Raptor Palooza
Alvaro Jaramillo
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: !J4bg*Ev

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting June 9, 2022
In Defense of Plants
Sara Scharf
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: $3d=n3F9

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting May 12, 2022
The Condor Comeback
Kara Fadden, Ventana Wildlife Society
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: 8p^?yY^#

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting April 14, 2022
Birds, Bees and More!
with Madeline Morrow

Meeting Recording Access Passcode: !VZ.1rUe

with Holly Merker

The presenter has requested the program recording be made available only to Sequoia Audubon Society members. Please email for the link to the meeting video.

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting February 10, 2022
Laura's Best Bird EVER! I went looking for birds and found joy, love, redemption, and more.
with Laura Erickson

Meeting Recording Access Passcode: mW$k&i2o

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting January 13, 2022
Birds of Protected Lands: The Peninsula Open Space Trust
with Diane and Peter Hart

Meeting Recording


Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting December 9, 2021
Birds & Wildlife of the Western Pacific
with Joe Morlan

Meeting Recording Access Passcode: dF7gbu%!

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting October 14, 2021
A Message of Hope
Heath Packard, Island Conservation

Meeting Recording Access Passcode: +&d8@ucD

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting Septermber 9, 2021
Encouraging Birders: Expanding What It Means to Be a Twenty-first Century Birder
A Multi-generational Discussion
with Ted, Hannah, and Andrew Floyd
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: wBG?yyA7

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting June 10, 2021
Hummingbirds: Small Wonders
with Sheri Williamson
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: ^=L%0sMh

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting May 13, 2021
Community Science: Long-Term Lessons:
Perspectives from Three Years of Mushroom Monitoring in the Santa Cruz Mountains
with Christian Schwarz
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: yu7^@p9r

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting April 8, 2021
Gender Equity and Public Access on the California Coast
Sabrina Brennan, former San Mateo County Harbor Commissioner
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: 4&Ut2&jt

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting March 11, 2021
Avian Wonders of Morocco with John Sterling
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: gz?109?. (include the period)

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting February 11, 2021
The Remarkable Story of Sam McDonald
Katherine Wright, San Mateo County Park Ranger
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: $E^8t26S

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting January 14, 2021
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird - Mary Ellen Hannibal
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: GMLg$3C%


Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting December 10, 2020
"Skunks & their Role in California Habitats" with Jen Hunter
Meeting Recording

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting November 12, 2020
Curiosity & Connection Through a Decade of Birding with Ioana Seritan
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: +u4ux1da

Sequoia Audubon Society Presentation October 8, 2020
"Cape to Cape Birding" with Joe Morlan
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: $6O222A@

Sequoia Audubon Society Monthly Meeting September 10, 2020
Taxonomic Puzzles by Alvaro Jaramillo
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: sY.Xr52e

"Audubon's Climate Change Strategies" on May 14, 2020
with Juan Pablo Galván
Unedited recording of meeting. Meeting begins at 1:27; Program begins around 28:30

"The California Center for Natural History"
with Damon Tighe on April 9, 2020
Unedited recording of Damon Tighe's presentation and subsequent Q&A session.

note The programs for additional meetings will be posted when available. (Topics subject to change.)

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